
Rates do not take into account the instructor’s fees, which are specific to each organization.

These are prices examples for the 2024/2025 season (valuable up to 31/08/2025).
Don’t hesitate to ask here in case they don’t fit to your needs.

Weekend :
arrival Friday night, 2 nights (including breakfast), in rooms of 3 to 6 people, 3 meals(*), exclusive and unlimited access to the dojo during the whole stay : 198€ / person

Sharing a room (4 beds) for 2 people only : 233€ / person

Single person using a full room (4 beds) : 282€

Extended weekend (we + one day) :
3 nights (including breakfasts) in rooms of 3 to 6 people, 5 meals (*), exclusive and unlimited access to the dojo during the whole stay : 254€ / person

Sharing a room (4 beds) for 2 people only : 298€ / person

Single person using a full room (4 beds) : 356€

Extended weekend (+ 2 days) :
4 nights (including beakfast) in rooms of 3 to 6 people, 7 meals(*), exclusive and unlimited access to the dojo during the whole stay : 323€ / person

Sharing a room (4 beds) for 2 people only : 367€ / person

Single person using a full room (4 beds) : 442€

Week in full board :
7 nights (including breakfasts) in room of 3 to 6 people, 7 lunches(*), 7 dinners(*), exclusive and unlimited access to the dojo during the stay : 571€ / person

Sharing a room (4 beds) for 2 people only : 631€ / person

Single person using a full room (4 beds) : 691€

Notes :
(*) Meals are unique for the whole group. Vegetarian is an option. Any specific meal (allergy / intolerance) is subject to 3€ supplement per meal.
– Supply of sheets and towels plus clean up at the end of your stay included
– Tourist tax included (0,8€ per night)
– Fares are composed of three integrated “pillars” : accomodation, meals, access to the dojo, tightly linked. Proposed fares integrating the three are cheeper than choosing each independantly.
– Prices out of offered packages (those including accomodation, meals, access to the dojo):
* meal : 19€
* first night in 3 person (up to 6) bed room (including breakfast and Tourist tax) : 64€
* additional night in 3 person (up to 6) bed room (including breakfast and Tourist tax) : 58€
* access to the dojo : 16€ / half day